International Conference

31 posts

The 9th Young Scholars International Conference (8/2024)

The Young Scholars International Conference series, with a focus on classical Chinese literary studies, has become a signature annual event of the Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute since 2015. This year, the Institute is very glad to organize the 9th conference themed “Different eras can resonate […]

“Literature, Perspectives and Methodology: Classical Chinese Literary Studies in Progress” The 8th Young Scholars International Conference (8/2023)

Since its establishment, the ​Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute (SHI) has been striving to promote the study of Chinese humanities, and provide a platform for young scholars’ intellectual exchange. Since 2015, SHI has organised 7 Young Scholars Conferences yearly, which attracted more than 100 young scholars […]

The 10th Annual Meeting of the China Ci Poetry Society-cum-International Conference on Ci Poetry (11/2022)

From 11 to 13 November 2022, the 10th Annual Meeting of the China Ci Poetry Society-cum-International Conference on Ci Poetry, jointly organized by the China Ci Poetry Society, the School of Chinese Language and Literature of Jiangsu Normal University, and the HKBU Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute, was held in […]

Forum-cum-Symposium on Xie Lingyun and Chinese Landscape Poetry (11/2022)

The HKBU Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute is very honoured to collaborate with the School of Humanities of Wenzhou University, China and other institutions, to jointly co-organize the Forum-cum-Symposium on Xie Lingyun and Chinese Landscape Poetry on 4-5 November 2022. On the morning of 4 November […]

“Literary Practice, Interpretation and Construction: Contemporary Reflections of Classical Chinese Literature” The 7th Young Scholars Conference (7/2022)

Since its establishment, the ​Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute (SHI) has been striving to promote the study of Chinese humanities, and provide a platform for young scholars’ intellectual exchange. Since 2015, SHI has organised six Young Scholars Conferences yearly (except 2020 due to the pandemic), which […]

Transmedia Interpretation and a Dialogue between Tradition and the Present: SHI Interdisciplinary Symposium (6/2022)

Since its establishment, SHI has been actively promoting the research on Chinese humanities by conducting different kinds of academic activities, to provide a platform for knowledge exchange among young scholars. The Institute organised the Transmedia Interpretation and a Dialogue between Tradition and the Present: SHI Interdisciplinary Symposium on 15 June […]

“Gaze, Spread and Transcendence: A Cross-age Dialogue in Chinese Literature” The 6th Young Scholars International Conference (10/2021)

Date: 27 October 2021 (Wed) Online via Zoom Programme:Opening Ceremony 10:00-10:10First Session 10:10­-12:00 江曉輝(臺灣東海大學博士後研究員) 地理、進化與文明:梁啟超、康有為海外詩中的世界圖像 葉躍武(哈佛大學研究學者) 無情之情:《莊子》情論與魏晉詩學──兼論對「詩言志」與「詩緣情」的反思 林傳濱(香港理工大學導師) 創調與尊體:沈謙的自度曲研究 劉陽河( 哈佛大學訪問學人 ) 才女傳統與性別跨越:晚清民國林黛玉接受的調適與重構 Break  12:00-13:30 Second Session 13:30­-14:55 王娟(廣西師範大學副教授) 論柳宗元的民族關係思想及其當代價值 龔宗傑(復旦大學青年副研究員) 「下流之悼」:壙志與明清墓誌文的庶民性 何梓慶(香港理工大學導師) 「文以載道」抑或 「發憤抒情」?──茅坤 「情至論」的建構過程及其內涵析論 Third Session 14:55-16:20 張曉偉(深圳大學助理教授) 詩法、詩體、文本:杜詩異文中的「合理化謬誤」 何維剛(中央研究院博士後研究員) 論南朝祠廟詩的書寫發展與南方經驗 胡媚媚(上海外國語大學講師) 社詩總集的規准與清代結社方式的多樣性表現 Fourth Session 16:20-18:10 謝冰青(武漢大學博士後研究員) 試帖文體的雙重面貌:吳錫麒以詞喻試帖之論 […]

“Trauma and Memory: Spiritual Writing in the Development of Chinese Literature” International Conference (11/2019)

“Trauma and Memory: Spiritual Writing in the Development of Chinese Literature” International Conference, organised by the HKBU Department of Chinese Language and Literature and co-organised by the Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute, was held at HKBU on 2 and 3 November 2019. The conference invited 16 scholars from […]

International Conference on Ming Literature-cum-12th Annual Meeting of the Ming Literature Studies Council of China (11/2019)

From 9 to 10 November 2019, the International Conference on Ming Literature-cum-12th Annual Meeting of the Ming Literature Studies Council of China, organised by the Ming Literature Studies Council of China and School of Humanities of Shenzhen University, co-organised by SHI, was held in Shenzhen. Almost 200 scholars from more […]