International Conference on Literature and Religions of the Song and Yuan Dynasties (9-10/5/2012)

From 9 May to 10 May 2012, the HKBU Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Research Centre for Chinese Cultural Heritage and Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute co-organised the International Conference on Literature and Religions of the Song and Yuan Dynasties at HKBU. Twenty-eight scholars from Europe, America, Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan presented papers, attracting more than eighty faculties and students from local institutions to participate.

The organisers were honoured to invite internationally renowned scholars as keynote speakers of the conference, including Prof. Sun Changwu (Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Nankai University), Prof. Wu Xinlei (School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University), Prof. Chang Kao-ping (Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University), Prof. Ronald Egan (Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara), Prof. Tanaka Issei (The University of Tokyo) and Prof. Lee, Fong-Mao (Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica). The participants had friendly and lively discussions and in-depth exchange.

The conference proceedings were published in 2015 by the Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House as 宋元文學與宗教, edited by Prof. Zhang Hongsheng, Director of the Institute.

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Table of Contents
詩、畫、禪與蘇軾、黃庭堅詠竹題畫研究一一以墨竹題詠與禪趣、比德、興寄為核心 / 張高評
《夷堅志》中不公正的蒼天和軟弱的神仙 / 艾朗諾
元代的僧詩:中峯明本的僧風與詩作 / 孫昌武
元代佛典《佛說目連救母經》向《目連寶卷》與閩北目連戲的文學性演變 / 田仲一成
論元末顧瑛「三教合一」視域中的玉山雅集 / 吳新雷
暴力修行:道教謫凡神話與《水游》的忠義敘述 / 李豐楙
《大唐三藏取經詩話》時代性再議一一以韻文體制為中心的觀察 / 陳引馳
從禪悅到審美:宋人文學活動中對佛教根塵說的接受與演繹 / 周裕鍇
宋詩的「活法」與禪宗的思維方式 / 張晶
從《采桑子》組詞看歐陽修的自然意識 / 鄺龑子
洞仙歌送阮郎歸——歐詞閨情之仙道淵源淺探 / 陳偉強
北宋僧贊寧攷述 / 普慧、成明明
詩禪會通與南宋詩壇 / 朴永煥
嚴羽《滄浪詩話》妙悟說詩禪觀念的源出 / 劉衛林
詩道、妙悟與工夫:以禪喻詩與學詩理論之建立 / 張健
陳起《聖宋高僧詩選》的詩學取向 / 張宏生
《錢塘湖隱濟顛禪師語錄》考論 / 朱剛
心猿意馬:元雜劇舞臺形象表演的宗教與藝術語境 / 陳開勇