Monthly Archives: February 2023

3 posts

Volumes on Ming-Qing literature and gender studies

Zhang Hongsheng, Cho Ching-Fen, eds. , 空間與視野:明清文學與性別研究的新進境. Taipei: Asian Culture Publishing Co., Ltd., 2022.(ISBN: 9786269606559) To deepen research and promote the study of Ming-Qing literature and gender studies, 空間與視野:明清文學與性別研究的新進境 was published in 2 volumes, a collaboration between Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute of HKBU and National […]

Secondary School Lecture on Chinese Literary Writing (3/2023)

Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute is glad to collaborate with local young writer Dr. Lee Yat-hong and support his lectures on creative writing in Chinese at several secondary schools. First lecture of the series is a collaboration between our Institute and the TWGHs Kap Yan Directors’ […]