The Institute was glad to organise a public lecture with the Research Center for Ming-Qing Studies and Graduate Institute of History, National Central University, Taiwan, as part of the 2021 Lecture Series of the Research Center for Ming-Qing Studies, National Central University, and the SHI 10th Anniversary Lecture Series. It was held in Taiwan on 4 May 2021.
The lecture was delivered by Prof. Hsiao-t’i Li, renowned scholar and Adjunct Research Fellow of Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, on Traditional Chinese Drama Performance from Ming-Qing period (1368-1911) to the Twentieth Century, which attracted almost a hundred faculties and students.
Summary: 李孝悌教授首先提到戲曲演出在明清時期的普及性,帝王的提倡以及商人的各地走動,大大提升戲曲演出的頻率,再者戲曲演出的場域,也隨著士大夫的廳堂逐漸演變至商幫會館,使得民眾接觸戲曲的機會大大增加,不再是僅限知識分子的活動場域,到了近代戲曲演出的內容也有時事化的趨勢。本次演講從戲曲的發展著手,輔以文化背景的轉變,呈現戲曲演出流動的不同風情