Changes and Significance of Studies in Chinese Poetry in the 13th Century (9/4/2025)

The Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute is glad to invite Japanese sinologist Professor UCHIYAMA Seiya to HKBU in early April, to deliver a public lecture for the Institute’s new initiative Frontiers in Sino-Humanitas Lecture series and share his insight and experience on the studies in Chinese poetry. All are welcome to register and participate.

Public Lecture: Changes and Significance of Studies in Chinese Poetry in the 13th Century
Organizer: Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute, HKBU
Date: 9 April 2025, Wednesday
Time: 4:00 – 5:30 pm
Venue: Dr. Wu Yee Sun Lecture Theatre (WLB 109), Lam Woo International Conference Centre, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University
Speaker: Professor UCHIYAMA Seiya (Professor, Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences Waseda University, Japan)
Moderator: Professor ZHANG Hongsheng (Director, HKBU Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute)
Language: Mandarin


中國的十三世紀,從國家層面來說,是自因由金宋而南北分裂的時代,轉向元朝大一統時代的急劇變動的時代。在文學方面,也發生了不小的變化。從大的方面來說,是文言轉向白話這樣一個言語、文體的轉換;而從小的方面看,這一變化則是詩人階層的通俗化。前者引起戲劇、小說等說唱類文學的興隆,後者則歷史性地讓一直由士大夫擔當的傳統,開始向市民階層開放。這些新現象,隨著不斷向元明清及其時代推進,更加清楚地顯現巨大的變化,而這一變化的種子播種於13世紀。 本次演講將以詩學為中心,動態地把握十三世紀究竟產生了怎樣的變化,同時思考十三世紀對於中國近世文學的意義。

About the speaker:

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