From 9 to 10 November 2019, the International Conference on Ming Literature-cum-12th Annual Meeting of the Ming Literature Studies Council of China, organised by the Ming Literature Studies Council of China and School of Humanities of Shenzhen University, co-organised by SHI, was held in Shenzhen. Almost 200 scholars from more […]
International Conference
The International Symposium on Liu Yuxi was held in Changde, Hunan Province, China on 26 October 2019. The first-ever international symposium on the study of Liu Yuxi, it was organised by the Chinese Society of Liu Yuxi and Hunan University of Arts and Science, and co-organised by the Changde Society […]
In memory of modern Chinese Ci poet Shen Zufen (1909-1977), The Commemoration of the 110th Anniversary of the Birth of Shen Zufen cum Academic Symposium was held in Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province, China on 19-20 October 2019. It was organised by the Organising Committee of Haiyan Cultural Tourism Festival, presented […]
Date: 21-22 August 2019 (Wednesday, Thursday) Venue: SCC 2/F, Mr. and Mrs. Lau Chor Tak Multi-Purpose Hall, Madam Kwok Chung Bo Fun Sports and Cultural Centre, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University Medium of Language: Mandarin Programme: 2019.8.21 Wednesday 09:30-09:45 Reception 10:00-12:00 First Session – 體制與創作:中國古典詞曲研究 王衛星(中山大學)- 同調闡釋法的創制與應用 余佳韻(台灣中興大學)- 斷片、重組與追述——試論夢窗詞中的回憶書寫 郭文儀(中國人民大學)- 晚清「花間傳統」的重建與令詞的隱喻書寫 裴雪萊(浙江大學)- 論晚清民國時期江南曲社之「曲會」 14:30-16:00 […]
“Lyrical Expression and the Times: The Inheritance and Development of Chinese Literary Criticism” International Workshop, organised by the HKBU Department of Chinese Language and Literature and co-organised by the Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute, were held at HKBU on 23-24 March 2019. 24 scholars of relevant […]
On 8-9 December 2018, the HKBU Department of Chinese Language and Literature and Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute jointly organised the International Conference “New Visions in the Study of Chinese Poetry and Poetics”, at Shaw Campus of HKBU. Almost 40 scholars from America, Japan, Mainland China, […]
Date: 28-29 August 2018 Venue: SWT501, Shaw Tower, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University Medium of Language: Mandarin Programme (Updated on 2018.8.22) 2018.8.28 Tuesday 09:30-09:50 Opening Ceremony 主禮嘉賓:孫少文伉儷人文中國研究所所長 張宏生教授 09:50-11:05 First Session 古典文體與詩詞研究 主持人:張曉偉(香港浸會大學) 09:50-10:10 論王安石絕句的文體學意義 發表人:唐梓彬(香港公開大學) 評議人:李曉紅 10:10-10:30 九言體之興與明清東亞漢詩創新 發表人:李曉紅(中山大學) 評議人:趙惠俊 10:30-10:50 《詞律》的生成語境——清初詞壇尊體策略檢討 發表人:李日康(香港浸會大學) 評議人:佘筠珺 10:50-11:05 Discussion 11:05-11:20 Break 11:20-12:35 Second Session 文人心態與文學活動 […]
Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute was glad to co-organize the “Text, Artifact and Context: A Workshop on Cultural Practices in Early China” with the HKBU Department of History, Department of Chinese Language and Literature and the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology on 13 December 2017. The Workshop invited […]
A total of 24 distinguished scholars from Hong Kong, Mainland China, the United States and Taiwan assembled at HKBU on 22 November 2017 to share their latest research findings in the second forum on Gender and Ming-Qing Culture co-organised by the Department of History, Mr Simon Suen and Mrs Mary […]
From 8 to 11 November 2017, the International Conference on Ming Literature-cum-11th Annual Meeting of Ming Literature Studies Council of China, organised by the Ming Literature Studies Council of China, Editorial Team of Literary Heritage of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, College of Liberal Arts of Jinan University, Guangzhou, […]