To commemorate the 110th anniversary of the birth of Professor Cheng Qianfan, prominent scholar on Chinese literary and historical studies and educator, the Institute is very honoured to invite Dr. Zhang Chunxiao, scholar of Jinan University and granddaughter of Mr. Cheng Qianfan and Ms. Shen Zufen to visit Hong Kong Baptist University and speak on Shen Zufen’s diaries (to be published soon), “Zaozao Shi”, social connections of Shen and Cheng, etc.
A history recorded by manuscripts: On the creation process of “Zaozao Shi”, and social connections of Shen Zufen and Cheng Qianfan through Shen’s diaries
Speaker: Zhang Chunxiao (Associate Professor and Masters Supervisor, Center of Chinese History and Culture, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China)
Date: 25 October 2023, Wednesday
Time: 5:00-6:30pm
Venue: AAB711, Level 7, Academic and Administration Building, Hong Kong Baptist University
Language: Mandarin

(Recorded by Zhou Shaowen, research student of the Institute)