Public Lecture/Seminar

94 posts

Distinguished Scholar in Residence – Prof. Jiang Yin (2-5/2016)

The Distinguished Scholar in Residence Programme, offered by the HKBU Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute and the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, invites internationally acclaimed scholars to stay on campus to share their insights with students, academic departments and research centers throughout the University in ways […]

Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence Lectures by Prof. Jiang Yin (2-5/2016)

The Distinguished Scholar in Residence Program, offered by the HKBU Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute and the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, invites internationally acclaimed scholars to stay on campus to share their insights with students, academic departments and research centers throughout the University in ways […]

Sino-Humanitas Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series – Prof. Li Wai-yee (1/2016)

Title: The Real McCoy, the Forgeries, and Chinese Literature during the Ming-Qing Transitional Period Speaker: Prof. Li Wai-yee (Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University) Date: 15 January 2016 (Friday) Time: 1630-1800 Venue: WLB109, Lam Woo International Conference Centre, Shaw Campus, HKBU Language: Putonghua Abstract: 本次演講擬探討明清之際戲曲當中的鑑真、辨偽論述。首先,明清戲曲中有不少鑑別真品、贋品的故事,在品物的同時也是對人物能力高下的品評,當中藝術真偽的鑑別沒有絕對性,而是因應情誼及利益浮動,與道德立場存在矛盾,鑑別者因此操持文化權力及經濟效益,而作偽者則是終身依託他人。李玉《一捧雪》以真假玉杯及真假人頭呈現了價值升降及權力、命運的不穩定性,「假杯換真官」及「因杯殺人」的荒謬敗德交易以「僕代主死」的道德交易加以糾正,重建道德秩序。李漁《意中緣》中,偽作真情、贋品勝真對藝術的真偽鑑別提出質疑,而才子佳人結合中的情感缺席,也使故事更像是經濟效益及名妓文化的交易。 About the speaker: 李惠儀教授現職美國哈佛大學東亞語言與文明系中國文學教授,為臺灣中央研究院人文及社會科學組院士,專長中國文學。李教授對晚明至清代的詩詞文學及當中的女性主義、國族思想素有研究,並且著書繁多,近作包括:Women and […]

Sino-Humanitas Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series – Prof. Uchiyama Seiya (12/2015)

Title: Late Song Poets of the School of Jianghu as a Symbol of Early Modern Chinese Literature Speaker: Prof. UCHIYAMA Seiya, Waseda University Date: 4 December 2015 (Friday) Time: 1630-1800 Venue: OEM602, Oen Hall Building, Ho Sin Hang Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University Language: Putonghua Abstract: 內藤湖南(1866-1934)主張在「中世middle ages」和「近代modern」之間加入一個「近世early modern period」,大約指宋至清末(960-1911),以唐、宋為劃界,因而被稱為「唐宋變革論」,並以「詞」為例說明文學在宋代實現了「近世化」。但是,宋代的主流韻文不是「詞」而是「詩」,無論是作者還是作品數目,《全宋詩》都多於《全宋詞》數倍。而且宋詞大多是文言文體,白話文體非常少。無論是詩或詞,宋代與到唐代為止的「中世」並沒有變化,與延續到後漢的「古代」也可以連在一起。作為文學史研究者,更多時候將注意力集中於個別現象或特定個人,而不去執著於展現宏觀巨大的歷史,也會不自覺地在兩種文學史觀(「進步史觀」和「下降史觀」)裏選擇一種作為自己的立場。在此,本論將探討以宋代文學為「近世文學」是否合適,在指出爭論點的同時就課題闡述自己的觀點,探討宋代文學的相關現象,尤其關注宋末江湖詩人群體以及推動他們流行之書商陳起。  About […]

Public lecture by Prof. Weijing Lu (11/2015)

Public lecture: Women, the Family and Qian-Jia Evidential Scholars Speaker: Prof. Weijing Lu (Professor of Department of History, University of California, San Diego; Visiting Research Fellow, Department of History, HKBU) Date: 3 November 2015 Time: 1:30-3:10pm Organisers: HKBU Department of History, ​Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute

Sino-Humanitas Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series – Prof. Lau Siu Hung (11/2015)

Topic: Resilience in Tenderness: Humanities in Song Ci PoetrySpeaker: Prof. Lau Siu Hung, National Taiwan UniversityDate: 20 November 2015Time: 1630-1800Venue: SWT 7/F, Shaw Tower, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist UniversityLanguage: Putonghua Abstract:歐陽修說「人生自是有情痴」,東坡也說「多情應笑我」,這是詞人普遍的心聲。詞的情意內容,主要抒發一種「好景不常,人生易逝,此情不渝」的精神,這呼應了宋人「知其不可為而為之」的積極入世情懷。如同春天的生命,像野草一般,柔中帶剛,總有著無窮的生機。鄭騫〈詞曲的特質〉說:「宋朝的一切,都足以代表中國文化的陰柔方面,不只詞之一端。……柔並不一味的軟綿綿,而要有一種韌性。」。吉川幸次郎分析宋詩,謂宋代的新人生觀是揚棄悲哀,而宋代詩人有意追求的一種詩境就是寧靜安祥的心境。宋詞則擺盪在情緒的上下之間,既無法不面對人間的悲情,卻也不甘於陷溺不返;如何排遣,怎樣在情中得到安頓,便是詞人的重要課題。或表現為執著的熱情,或以豪情反撲,或以曠達的懷抱紓解,宋詞所代表的精神就是體證了一種生命意態─在世事無常中確認人情之不變。 About the speaker: 劉少雄,國立臺灣大學文學博士,曾任中央研究院文哲所助研究員、臺大藝文中心主任、中文系副主任,現任臺大中國文學系教授。劉教授於2008年榮獲國立臺灣大學教學傑出獎,並多次獲得教學優良獎,其專業領域包括:唐宋詞、東坡文學、宋代文學、詞學理論。大學部研究所開授課程:「國文─中國抒情詩選」、「國文─中國敘事傳統」、「詞選及習作」、「詩選及習作」、「二李詞」、「東坡詞」、「清真詞」、「稼軒詞」、「東坡詞專題」、「古典詩詞教學與研究」、「近現代詞學批評」等。著作包括:《南宋姜吳典雅詞派相關詞學論題之探討》、《會通與適變─東坡以詩為詞論題新詮》、《讀寫之間─學詞講義》、《詞學文體與史觀新論》。

Sino-Humanitas Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series – Prof. Liao Kebin (10/2015)

Title: The Interplay between Ming Literature and Qing Literature: Poetics as the FocusSpeaker: Prof. Liao Kebin (Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University)Date: 16 October 2015 (Friday)Time: 4:30-6:00pmVenue: Room AAB402A, 4/F, Academic and Administration Building, Baptist University Road Campus, HKBULanguage: MandarinOrganisers: HKBU Department of Chinese Language and Literature, ​Mr. […]

Sino-Humanitas Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series – Prof. Fu Gang (10/2015)

Title: Wen xuan (Selections of Refined Literature) and the Study of Wen xuan Speaker: Prof. Fu Gang (Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University) Date: 23 October 2015 (Friday) Time: 1630-1800 Venue: RRS905, Sir Run Run Shaw Building, HSH Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University Language: Mandarin Abstract: 《昭明文選》是中國現存最早一部詩文總集,選錄了自先秦至齊、梁八個朝代一百三十多位作家七百多篇優秀作品,文體涉及近四十類,是學習和研究秦漢魏晉南北朝文學史的重要文獻。《文選》的編者是南朝梁武帝蕭衍的太子蕭統,蕭統死後諡「昭明」,故此書亦稱「昭明文選」。對《文選》的研究始自隋唐,迄今已有一千多年歷史,當時已經被稱為「《文選》學」。由於《文選》的影響,唐代以後的科舉考試往往從《文選》中出題,因此《文選》是考子的必讀書,宋代大詩人陸遊在《老學庵筆記》說當時流傳一句話叫「《文選》爛,秀才半」,可見一斑。唐代以來的文人沒有不通《文選》的,如李白自稱三擬《文選》,杜甫不僅自己學習,還讓他的兒子熟讀。唐宋時的大散文作家韓愈、蘇軾也都對《文選》十分精熟。可以說《文選》的影響是貫穿於隋唐以迄近代的,隋唐以後,《文選》的編輯體例被後人奉為楷模,如《文苑英華》、《古文苑》等等都是以《文選》作為範本。此外,還有《廣文選》、《續文選》一類的文集,更是受《文選》影響的產物。這種影響一直持續到「五四」運動,錢玄同以「選學妖孽,桐城謬種」作為向封建文學宣戰的口號,這本身也說明了《文選》的地位和影響。受「五四」運動的影響,《文選》在現代學術史上受到了空前的冷落,對它的學習和研究,都非常薄弱。作為文學文獻,《文選》的作用和價值,是不可取代的。學習和研究先秦以迄六朝文學,不讀《文選》,不以《文選》作為依據,可能就要出問題。不能因為「五四」運動時說它「妖孽」,就將它擱置一邊。 About […]

Sino-Humanitas Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series – Prof. Grace Fong (5/2015)

Title: Digitalisation and Progress towards Research on Ming-Qing Poems and Ci by Women Poets Speaker: Prof. Grace S. Fong (McGill University, Canada) Date: 6 May 2015 (Wednesday) Time: 1630-1800 Venue: WLB206, Lam Woo International Conference Centre, Shaw Campus, HKBU Abstract: 數字化是21世紀保存和使用古籍的有效方法,運用資料庫使研究者能夠快速檢索資訊。本講座介紹2005年麥基爾大學與哈佛燕京圖書館合作推出的明清婦女著作資料庫與網站 ( ,其後十年間的發展狀況,及其對北美研究中國前現代女性文學與文化的支援及影響,並藉此探索數字化人文科研引導出的明清女性詩詞研究的一些新方向。

Public Lecture by Prof. Park Young Hwan (4/2015)

On Innovation in Culture and Subjectivity of East Asian Cultures: with Korean Pop Culture as an Example Speaker: Prof. Park Young Hwan (Professor, Chinese Department, Dongguk University, Korea)Date: 1 April 2015 (Wednesday)Time: 6:30-8:00pmVenue: Dr. Wu Yee Sun Lecture Theatre, Shaw Campus, HKBU (WLB109)Language: MandarinOrganisers: HKBU Department of Chinese Language and Literature, […]