Digital Humanities is one of the key directions in Humanities in the contemporary global context, as well as one of the hot issues in academic research. As for Digital Chinese Humanities, digital technology and tools can not only conduct a quick search and analysis on literature and materials, but also showcase traditional literature and research findings, which are important means for contemporary research. As Digital Humanities enters the Age of AI, more and more possibilities and opportunities are underway for the study of humanities.
Since its establishment, the Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute is committed to enhancing innovative research in the study of Chinese humanities with frontier research output. In the Academic Year of 2023-2024, the Institute organized the Lecture Series on Digital Chinese Humanities, by inviting several scholars and experts to share latest research findings, tools and insights on Digital Chinese Humanities. All scholars, researchers, students and anyone who are interested in the topic are welcome. This lecture is third talk of the Series.
Organizer: HKBU Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute
Date: 1 February 2024, Thursday
Time: 4:30-6:00pm
Venue: SWT702, Level 7, Shaw Tower, Hong Kong Baptist University; and Zoom
Title: What kinds of history can be digitalized? – Bronze Bells and Other Bronzes from Ancient China
Speaker: Dr. Kin Sum (Sammy) LI (Associate Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Language: Mandarin

About the speaker:

數字人文學是學術研究的熱點和重要方向,本所舉辦「數字中國人文學」 系列第三場講座,邀請浸會大學歷史系副教授 李建深博士分享研究成果及心得。李博士以「甚麼歷史可以數字化?古代中國的銅鐘與其它銅器」為題,先解釋數字人文的概念以及如何將之融合到文學及歷史的研究之中。接著,在藝術與考古的主題探討中,李博士提出兩個問題:「從公元前1100年的銅鐘上能否獲得十二平均音」以及「公元前500年銅鐘的設計與製造」,繼而針對這兩個題目作深入的案例分析。李博士將銅鐘的研究數字化,把藝術、音樂與考古研究結合起來,嘗試從鐃、鈕鐘、編鐘、銑間等樂器發出的音高及振動頻率,得出十二平均音。此外,對於青銅器的製造過程及方法,李博士也作了詳細的介紹,在出土文物的考古研究中,三角網(mesh)、雲點(point cloud)這些3D技術,對研究青銅器的複製與生產發揮了重要的作用。數字研究對人工智能AI、監測氣候變化、研究文學歷史,甚至預測未來,有著豐富的創造力,我們要善用數據,為人文研究開拓新方向。
(Recorded by Fung Pui Yi, research student of the Institute)