We are very glad to invite Professor Hui Faye XIAO from The University of Kansas, USA to give a presentation at Hong Kong Baptist University this September, and share her findings and insight on the transmedia interplay between literature and cinema.

The Book and Sword in Exile: Gendered Soundscape and Poetic Aesthetics in Ann Hui’s Cinema
Organizers: Department of Chinese Language and Literature – Academy of Chinese, History, Religion and Philosophy & Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute
Date: 24 September 2024, Tuesday
Time: 5:00-6:30pm
Venue: Room 512, Lui Ming Choi Centre, Sin Hang Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University (LMC512)
Speaker: Professor Hui Faye XIAO (Professor of modern Chinese literature and culture, The University of Kansas, USA)
Moderator: Professor Zhang Hongsheng (Director, Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Language: Mandarin

香港電影裏的書劍傳統一般由男性主導,肖教授引用了石琪及葉曼豐的觀點加以論證。石琪認為受中國近現代以來革命鬥爭的影響,六七十年代的香港電影充滿戰鬥性。葉曼豐指出武俠片通常延續書劍傳統,塑造出文武雙全的英雄俠客,他們富有陽剛氣質的身體就成為大銀幕上文化民族主義(cultural nationalism)的載體。《書劍恩仇錄》(1987)、《胡越的故事》(1981)及《投奔怒海》(1982)皆有俠義元素。此外,許鞍華還挑戰傳統的感性分配的等級制度,通過電影媒體的再現,建構起女性譜系。肖慧教授以《客途秋恨》(1990)、《阿金》(1996)、《千言萬語》(1999)、《天水圍的日與夜》(2008)、《明月幾時有》(2017)等數部電影來探討女性性別困境、自我放逐的心態、女性譜系(female genealogy)、感性的分配(distribution of the sensible)等問題。
綜上所述,本次講座,肖慧教授為我們分析了書劍傳統在電影中的書寫和轉化。許鞍華的作品反思和重寫了這一男性主導的傳統,還探討女性的聲音和敘述如何連接日常生活裏的詩意和公共空間的美學政治,實現書劍母題所象征的文學傳統和鬥爭精神在電影裏的再媒體化(re-mediation)。這些相互呼應的聲音構築了女性譜系,改變了傳統感性分配的等級制度,開辟了一個再現的空間(acoustic space of appearance),將被遺忘的記憶帶回被感知的世界,重構我們對歷史的認知和想象。
(Recorded by SHI postgraduate Fung Pui Yi)
About the speaker:
Hui Faye Xiao is Professor of Chinese Studies and served as the Chair of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Kansas between 2019 and 2024. She is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is the author of Family Revolution: Marital Strife in Contemporary Chinese Literature and Visual Culture (2014) and Youth Economy, Crisis, and Reinvention in Twenty-First-Century China: Morning Sun in the Tiny Times (2020). She has also co-edited (with Dr. Ping Zhu) the volume Feminisms with Chinese Characteristics (2021). Currently she is working on a new monograph tentatively titled The Hen Cackles in the Morning: Gendered Soundscape and Female Leadership in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture.