Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute is very honoured to invite Professor Zhang Longxi, renowned scholar in East-West comparative culture to speak for the first Sino-Humanitas Distinguished Scholar Lecture of the Institute this year! The talk attracted many scholars, students and members of the public who are interested in the topic, and led to lively discussions.
Chinese Literature and World Literature
Date: 21 March 2023, Tuesday
Time: 16:30-18:00
Venue: AAB706, 7/F, Academic and Administration Building, Hong Kong Baptist University
Speaker: Professor Zhang Longxi (Chair Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation, City University of Hong Kong; Foreign member, Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities and Academia Europaea)
Language: Mandarin

Summary of the talk:
是次講座,張教授從歌德與「世界文學」觀念的誕生講起,到以歐洲為中心的世界文學的形成,再到對歐洲中心主義的批判、東西方比較文學和跨文化研究的興起,講述了在民族文學與世界文學觀念的消長中,世界文學觀念及其研究的歷史。在張隆溪教授看來,就目前而言,強勢文化對相對弱勢文化的霸權之下,人們對世界文學的認知仍有很大局限,東方文學甚至歐洲小語種文學等為人所知者甚少。張教授特別有感於東西方文化流通的不平衡性,並結合自己多年來的學術經歷,認為應該擴展世界文學的範圍,使之名副其實,尤其是,「世界文學中應該有中國文學」。這是他多年來從事比較文學及跨文化研究的原因,也是近年合作編著《Literature: A World History》(Wiley,2022)與獨立撰寫的《A History of Chinese Literature》(Routledge,2022)兩種英文文學史的初衷。
(Recorded by Dr. Zhang Zhijie, Research Associate of the Institute)