International Conference

32 posts

“Dynasty, Knowledge and Subjectivity: The Extension of Chinese Culture” The 3rd Young Scholars International Conference (8/2017)

The conception of knowledge changes with time. New culture has brought unavoidable shocks and changes for the people in this era. It is inspiring to study how the traditional Chinese culture inherited and rooted in the contemporary environment. Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute (SHI) of Hong […]

“Continuation and Innovation: Reflection on Chinese Language, Literature and Cultural Studies” The 2nd Young Scholars International Conference (5/2016)

“Continuation and Innovation: Reflection on Chinese Language, Literature and Cultural Studies” The 2nd Young Scholars International Conference Date: 13 May 2016 Time, Venue & Programme: Opening Ceremony:WLB 211, 2/F, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University9:30-10:00am Panel Discussions:WLB 105 & WLB107, 1/F, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, […]

Voyages, Migration and the Maritime Silk Road: An International Symposium on China’s Role in Global History (12/2015)

HKBU organised Voyages, Migration and the Maritime Silk Road: An International Symposium on China’s Role in Global History from 7 to 8 December 2015. Focusing on a variety of issues on China’s role in global history, the symposium attracted a large audience from the local scholarly community.  Around 70 scholars […]

“Transition, Reception and Identity-Cultural Transformation and Scholar Position in the Qing Dynasty” Youth Scholar Conference (6/2015)

Date:  26 June 2015 (Friday) Time: 9:00-18:00 Venue: RRS905, Sir Run Run Shaw Building, HSH Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University Language: Mandarin Programme: 0900-0930 Opening Ceremony 0930-0945 Break 1. 文化與自我定位(主持人:余佳韻) 0945-1020 清初詞序轉向「言樂」之過程與詮釋策略 林怡劭(浸會大學) 講評者:張閏熙 1020-1105 道義與事功之辯:從「沈小霞相會出師表」談起 張思靜(聖路易斯華盛頓大學) 講評者:林怡劭 1105-1140 《儒林外史》中的幕友處境與道德定位 張閏熙(台灣國立政治大學) 講評者:張思靜 1140-1300 Lunch 2. 學術傳播的轉變(主持人:林傳濱) 1300-1335 明清之際的朱子學經解──以清初孫承澤(1592-1676)《尚書集解》之洪範說為中心 陳健成(東京大學) 講評者:柯靖銘 1335-1410 遺民講學的「公」與「私」:以康熙十年李顒的江南之行爲例 […]

International Conference on Tsinghua Bamboo Strips and the Book of Odes (1-3/11/2013)

With the recent publication of the Third Volume of Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period (476 – 221 B.C.E.) Collected by Tsinghua University, the Hong Kong Baptist University Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Research and Conservation Center for Unearthed Texts of Tsinghua University, Chinese Society of the Book of Odes, Mr. Simon Suen […]

The 3rd International Symposium in Sinicization, Barbarization, Westernization (12/2012)

The 3rd International Symposium in Sinicization, Barbarization, Westernization, was organised by Department of History of National Chung Cheng University, School of History of Beijing Normal University, Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University, The Centre for Chinese History of Department of History of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and […]