Webinar Series: Literature of an Era: A Journey of Literary Classics of Tang Poetry, Song Ci Poetry, and Yuan Theatre Plays (5/2024)

SHI is very glad to collaborate once again with the Malaysia Secondary School Chinese Language Teachers Association and Faqing Academy, to jointly organise the webinar series Literature of an Era: A Journey of Literary Classics of Tang Poetry, Song Ci Poetry, and Yuan Theatre Plays. The three webinars of the series are open to all HKBU faculty, students and the general public to register and participate online.

*All webinars are conducted in Mandarin.

First Lecture: Tang Poetry, Tonal Patterns, and Spirit
Date: 5 May 2024, Sunday
Time: 2:00-4:00pm
Speaker: Dr. Xin JIN (Associate Professor, Iwate University, Japan)

About the speaker: https://researchmap.jp/jinxin

Second Lecture: On Several Issues on the Development of Yuan Theatre Plays
Date: 12 May 2024, Sunday
Time: 2:00-4:00pm
Speaker: Prof. Mingsheng CAO (Professor, College of Humanities of Yangzhou University, China)

About the speaker: 曹明升,文學博士、博士後,現為揚州大學文學院教授,兼任中國散曲研究會常務理事。主要從事詞、曲學研究與清代文獻整理,出版專著《清代宋詞學研究》《元曲史話》,主編《厲鶚全集》,點校出版《散曲叢刊》《項蓮生集》等。

Third Lecture: Reminiscence: On Personal Experience and Collective Complexes in Song Ci Poetry
(追憶——宋詞中的個人經驗與群體情結, an HKBU CCL-recognized event)
Date: 19 May 2024, Sunday
Time: 2:00-4:00pm
Speaker: Dr. Xiaoyu LI (Editor of the Jinan Journal)

About the speaker: 李小雨,文學博士、博士後,現爲《暨南學報》編輯。主要從事中國古典詞學研究,出版專著《宋詞史話》。