The 3rd International Symposium in Sinicization, Barbarization, Westernization (12/2012)

The 3rd International Symposium in Sinicization, Barbarization, Westernization, was organised by Department of History of National Chung Cheng University, School of History of Beijing Normal University, Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University, The Centre for Chinese History of Department of History of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong, and co-organised by the ​Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute. It was held at HKBU on 6-7 December 2012.

Topics discussed include: 1. 漢化、胡化、洋化的理論及其研究史, 2. 國史上胡漢民族的對立及交融, 3. 夷狄戎蠻、匈奴、五胡、契丹、蒙古、女真、滿族的漢化, 4. 秦漢、魏晉、唐宋、元明清的胡化, 5. 政治、經濟、社會、風俗等不同層面的漢化與胡化, 6. 歷代人物的漢化與胡化, 7. 近代中國西化的歷史進程, 8. 近代中西文化交流的媒介人物──外交官、軍人、商人、記者、傳教士, 9. 基督教與西方文化的傳入, 10. 近代中國政治、軍事、經濟體制的「洋化」, 11. 近代中國社會、教育、文化、禮儀、風俗、器物的洋化.

Guest speakers include:

Professor Lui, Kar-Kai (Professor, Department of History of National Chung Cheng University)

Professor Joseph Ting Sun-pao (President, Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong)

Professor Lee, Kam Keung (Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University)

Professor Leung Yuen Sang (Head of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)