Professor Ellen B Widmer, Mayling Soong Professor of Chinese Studies and Professor of East Asian Studies, Wellesley College, was invited to deliver a public lecture at HKBU, with the title “‘Learning to Stand and Speak:’ Sarah K. Bolton’s Lives of Girls Who Became Famous (1886) and Its Paths to China Via Japan”. The lecture was co-organised by the Department of History, Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute, and the Gender Studies Concentration of HKBU.
Summary: 魏愛蓮教授於講座上集中討論四方面:西方模範女性如何接觸中國、Sarah K Bolton作品的四個日本翻譯本、兩個中國翻譯本及兩種翻譯手法、有關女性透過自我約束而成為典範的情況,以及護士之母南丁格爾等六位西方女性的故事。她亦分析了美、日、中三國之間對原文材料的處理方式,並就當中的異同之處作討論。