Zhang Hongsheng ed., Perspectives of Classical Chinese Literature Studies – A Festschrift of Tenth Anniversary of SHI (古典文學研究的視野──香港浸會大學孫少文伉儷人文中國研究所成立十週年紀念文集). Hong Kong, Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd. 2021. (ISBN:
A special volume in Chinese, Perspectives of Classical Chinese Literature Studies – A Festschrift of Tenth Anniversary of SHI , was published in November 2021. The volume is published by Joint Publishing, consisting of 17 academic essays authored by scholars from Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan who were former and current members of the Institute. The essays examine different periods from pre-Tang to late Qing dynasty, on various aspects in classical Chinese literature studies including poetry, ci, fictions, criticism, showcasing broad perspectives in humanties studies and accomplishments of SHI.
Table of Contents:
詞論與實踐:以周濟《存審軒詞》為中心之考察 / 余佳韻 004
間架的美感:試探長調過片的抒情類型與表現 / 余佳韻 036
《群書治要》選編《墨子》的意蘊:從初期墨學的解讀談起 / 張瑞麟 063
近世視野下的明文話研究與文章學建構 / 龔宗傑 101
文之「復興」:明人文集與明文研究之途徑 / 龔宗傑 116
天花藏主人真實身份考 / 梁 苑 132
文學傳統的背離:王次回的情感世界 / 陳 豔 157
日本江戶時期漢詩人創作心態發微:以蘐園派詩人群體為中心 / 陳 豔 168
傳統詩學視野中的白居易感傷詩 / 葉躍武 180
適性與白俗:論白居易閒適詩及其詩史意義 / 葉躍武 197
「詩窮而後工」詩學話語譜系的文化闡釋 / 李豔豐 213
王國維的文化創傷及其在哲學與詩學中的話語表徵 / 李豔豐 226
論李慈銘詞學思想轉變及其詞風流轉 / 柯秉芳 242
周岸登「和韻詞」及其對南北宋詞人的接受 / 柯秉芳 261
臨桂詞派的文學地理考察 / 王 娟 278
身份、主體與合理性:清代閨秀家務詩詞的日常化書寫 / 劉陽河 291
從《水雲樓詞》到《中興鼓吹》:百年近代戰爭中的詞史變遷 / 劉陽河 312
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