The Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute of HKBU is committed to promoting and developing the studies of Chinese humanities, as well as promoting sinological research and traditional Chinese culture to the Hong Kong society. This March, our Institute organized the Lecture Series on Chinese Literary Genres & Techniques on campus and provided professional knowledge on Chinese literature to nearly 400 online and offline audience – HKBU students, local secondary school students, and those in Hong Kong and Mainland China who are interested in the topic.
Details of the four lectures are as follows:
1st Lecture: 文體批評視野下的唐詩欣賞

Date: 7 March 2023, Tuesday
Time: 16:30-18:00
Venue: Room 706, 7/F, Academic and Administration Building, Hong Kong Baptist University (AAB706)
Speaker: Dr. Tong Tsz Ben Benson, Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Social Sciences, Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Abstract: 唐詩的欣賞,一般偏重於在傳統「知人論世」的批評視野下進行,即從作者的生平經歷及其所處的時代背景切入詩歌文本,藉以進行思想內容上的解讀。事實上,唐詩的欣賞也可聯繫文體來理解。是次講座將深入淺出地舉例說明不同詩歌體式的賞析方法與鑒賞標準,引導聽眾品味唐詩的藝術美。
2nd Lecture: 散文的肌理:以《流雲抄》為中心
Date: 13 March 2023, Monday
Time: 16:30-18:00
Venue: Room 105, 1/F, Communication and Visual Arts Building, Hong Kong Baptist University (CVA105)
Speakers: Dr. Ho Tsz-hing and Dr. Lee Yat-hong, Instructors of Chinese Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Ho Tsz-hing
Dr. Lee Yat-hong
3rd Lecture: 記憶.隱喻:文學的空間書寫

Date: 20 March 2023, Monday
Time: 16:30-18:00
Venue: Room 105, 1/F, Communication and Visual Arts Building, Hong Kong Baptist University (CVA105)
Speaker: Dr. Lam Chuen-pan, Instructor of Chinese Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
4th Lecture: 憂國傷時的歷史重量——從「用典」角度解讀辛棄疾《南鄉子.登京口北固亭有懷》

Date: 27 March 2023, Monday
Time: 16:30-18:00 Venue: Room 105, 1/F, Communication and Visual Arts Building, Hong Kong Baptist University (CVA105)
Speaker: Mr. Yiu To Sang, Chinese Teacher of Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School
The speaker has authorized the Institute to record the 4th lecture and make the video available on the HKBU Library website: