Public Lecture/Seminar

91 posts

Public Lecture by Dr. Dimitri Drettas (4/2014)

Date: 14 April 2014 Topic: Traces of Ancient Times and Oddities of the Mind – The Greek Poet C. P. Cavafy(1863-1933) Speaker: Dr. Dimitri Drettas (Senior Research Associate, Department of Religion and Philosophy, HKBU) Abstract: 卡瓦菲是現代歐洲文學的巨擘之一,他的詩歌主題經常環繞轉瞬即逝的愛情故事,當中形塑了當時亞歷山大城生活的疏離與異化,並活用歷史與神話資源,以精緻的語言反思希臘的文化傳統。賀旦思博士將介紹卡瓦菲詩歌的美學意涵及其跨文化的意義。

Sino-Humanitas Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series – Prof. Hu Xiaoming (4/2014)

Title: Decoding Poetic Imagery in Chinese Art and Culture Speaker: Prof. Hu Xiaoming (Professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature, East China Normal University) Date: 16 April 2015 (Thursday) Time: 1630-1800 Venue: WLB204, Lam Woo International Conference Centre, Shaw Campus Language: Mandarin Abstract: 本講座提出:古典中國的傳統中,有一深具現代生命力的意象文化,即以「意象」的方式,穿行游走於語言與圖像、詩與畫、哲學與政治與宗教、日常生活與人文精神求索、以及現代與古代之間的藝術文化。我稱之為文化意象的詩學。文化意象的詩學不是一般的意象學,而是深具中國詩性意味、一代代對傳統重新闡釋的文化創意,是貯存民族文化記憶詩學。它突破了時間的限制,超出了文學的範圍,成為民族心靈中的「集體記憶」(Collective Memory),成為民族文化延續的一個重要方式。詩,成為解碼、打開其中意義的鑰匙。這是中國文學研究的新願景與新使命。

Lecture Series by Distinguished Scholars of Sinology: Prof. Lin Yu-sheng (3/2014)

SHI is very honoured to invite Prof. Lin Yu-sheng to speak for the Lecture Series by Distinguished Scholars of Sinology at HKBU. The lecture attracted more than a hundred students, scholars and members from the public to participate. Date: 20 March 2014 Topic: Rethinking Utopianism in the Confucian Tradition (Click […]

Lecture Series by Distinguished Scholars of Sinology: Professor David Knechtges (3/2014)

The Institute was very honoured to invite Prof. David R. Knechtges to speak at HKBU for the Lecture Series by Distinguished Scholars of Sinology, co-organised by SHI and Department of Chinese Language and Literature, HKBU. Prof. Knechtges is Professor of Chinese Literature at the University of Washington. He also has […]

Lecture Series by Distinguished Scholars of Sinology: Prof. Wang Hui (11/2013)

SHI invited Prof. Wang Hui from the Shaanxi Academy of Archaeology, China to visit HKBU and share his research findings with faculties and students in the following events of the Lecture Series by Distinguished Scholars of Sinology. Postgraduate Seminar Date: 5 November 2013 Topic: The Past and the Future of Philology […]

Lecture Series by Distinguished Scholars of Sinology: Prof. Yuan Xingpei (1/2013)

SHI was very honoured, together with the HKBU Department of Chinese Language and Literature, to invite Professor Yuan Xingpei, a renowned expert on classical Chinese literature, to conduct a public lecture at HKBU for the Lecture Series by Distinguished Scholars of Sinology. Date: 22 January 2013 Speaker: Professor Yuan Xingpei (Professor, Department of Chinese […]

Lecture Series by Distinguished Scholars of Sinology: Prof. William H. Nienhauser, Jr. (1/2013)

SHI and the HKBU Department of Chinese Language and Literature were very honoured to invite American Sinologist Prof. William H. Nienhauser, Jr., to deliver two public lectures for the Lecture Series by Distinguished Scholars of Sinology at HKBU. Speaker: Prof. William H. Nienhauser, Jr. (Halls-Bascom Professor of Classical Chinese Literature, Department of Asian Languages […]

Lecture Series by Distinguished Scholars of Sinology: Prof. Michael Loewe (11/2012)

In 2012, the Institute invited Prof. Michael Loewe, Emeritus Fellow of Clare Hall of University of Cambridge and renowned British Sinologist and Historian to visit HKBU for two weeks. Prof. Loewe has made tredendous contributions to the study of history of early imperial China, and is an eminent expert on early […]

Brilliance of Civilization Lecture Series – Prof. Li Xueqin (11/2012)

Professor Li Xueqin was a renowned and revered Chinese historian, paleographer and a preeminent authority on the origins of Chinese civilisation, as well as Doctor of Letters, honoris causa of HKBU (2012). He served as Senior Professor in Humanities and Director of the Unearthed Research and Protection Center of Tsinghua University. As […]