A Practical Approach to Digital Humanities (11/2023)

Digital Humanities is one of the key directions in Humanities in the contemporary global context, as well as one of the hot issues in academic research. As for Digital Chinese Humanities, digital technology and tools can not only conduct a quick search and analysis on literature and materials, but also showcase traditional literature and research findings, which are important means for contemporary research. As Digital Humanities enters the Age of AI, more and more possibilities and opportunities are underway for the study of humanities.

Since its establishment, the Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute is committed to enhancing innovative research in the study of Chinese humanities with frontier research output. In the Academic Year of 2023-2024, the Institute will organize the Lecture Series on Digital Chinese Humanities, by inviting several scholars and experts to share latest research findings, tools and insights on Digital Chinese Humanities. All scholars, researchers, students and anyone who are interested in the topic are welcome to register and join us!

A Practical Approach to Digital Humanities

Date: 9 November 2023, Thursday
Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
Venue: SWT702, Level 7, Shaw Tower, Hong Kong Baptist University
Speaker: Ms. Rebekah Wong (Head of the Digital Initiatives and Research Cluster, Hong Kong Baptist University Library)
Moderator: Dr. Yau Ka Yiu (Research Associate, Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Language: Cantonese

數字人文學(Digital Humanities)是當今學術研究的熱點,本所舉辦「數字中國人文學」系列第二場講座,邀得浸會大學圖書館數碼創新及研究部主管王信嫺女士分享研究成果和心得。王女士以「數字人文實用經驗談」爲題,分三部分展開論述,首先回顧數字人文的歷史,接著分享浸大圖書館在該領域的研究成果,並介紹圖書館數字學術 (Digital Scholarship)項目所研發的涵蓋電影、歷史、新聞、報刊、語言等範疇的資料庫,最後探討在處理古籍文獻如文字識別(Optical Character Recognition)、中文分詞(Chinese Word Segmentation)、特殊字體(Special Chinese Characters)時所遇到的困難及解決方法。數字學術是使用數字技術來延長學術資料的壽命並創建研究工具,浸大圖書館是本地支持和推廣數字人文的先驅和領導者,適逢浸大數字學術服務(Digital Scholarship Services)建立十周年,它促進了資訊共用並取得了矚目的成就。
(Recorded by Fung Pui Yi, research student of the Institute)

Speaker Ms. Rebekah Wong (middle, first row) take a group photo with researchers and students of the Institute.

Click to know more about other lectures of the series:
Digital Humanities and the Study of Classical Chinese Poetry in the Age of Generative AI, by Dr. Chen Jing
What kinds of history can be digitalized? – Bronze Bells and Other Bronzes from Ancient China, by Dr. Dr. Kin Sum (Sammy) Li