Yearly Archives: 2018

4 posts

International Conference – New Visions in the Study of Chinese Poetry and Poetics (12/2018)

On 8-9 December 2018, the HKBU Department of Chinese Language and Literature and Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute jointly organised the International Conference “New Visions in the Study of Chinese Poetry and Poetics”, at Shaw Campus of HKBU. Almost 40 scholars from America, Japan, Mainland China, […]

Distinguished Lecture by Prof. David Der-wei Wang (9/2018)

The Institute is glad to co-organize a distinguished scholar lecture with the Department of History and the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University on 19 September 2018. Professor David Der-wei Wang, Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature, Department of East Asian Languages and […]

“Knowledge, Idea and Historical Characteristics: Chinese Literature and Culture of the Modern Period and Beyond” The 4th Young Scholars International Conference (8/2018)

Date: 28-29 August 2018 Venue: SWT501, Shaw Tower, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University Medium of Language: Mandarin Programme (Updated on 2018.8.22) 2018.8.28 Tuesday 09:30-09:50  Opening Ceremony 主禮嘉賓:孫少文伉儷人文中國研究所所長 張宏生教授 09:50-11:05  First Session  古典文體與詩詞研究   主持人:張曉偉(香港浸會大學) 09:50-10:10  論王安石絕句的文體學意義 發表人:唐梓彬(香港公開大學)    評議人:李曉紅 10:10-10:30  九言體之興與明清東亞漢詩創新 發表人:李曉紅(中山大學)        評議人:趙惠俊 10:30-10:50  《詞律》的生成語境——清初詞壇尊體策略檢討 發表人:李日康(香港浸會大學)    評議人:佘筠珺 10:50-11:05  Discussion 11:05-11:20  Break 11:20-12:35  Second Session   文人心態與文學活動 […]